Hosting & information security


TimeTell is available both Online and On-Premises. For TimeTell Online we have collaborations with Avantage and Uniserver. Uniserver is one of the biggest cloudhosting organizations in The Netherlands. Avantage has specialized knowledge on IT management and security. Both organizations have ISO 27001, NEN 7510 and ISAE 3000 certificates. Uniserver makes use of datacenters located in Amsterdam and Almere in The Netherlands.

TimeTell, Avantage and Uniserver all are ISO 27001 certified. This guarantees the quality of hosting, information security and the protection of personal data.

The ISO audits are repeated yearly to maintain the quality of services on a high level.

Information security

For the internal TimeTell processes we work according to the ISO 27001 standards. Furthermore penetration tests are performed on our data-infrastructure on a regular basis. The results of these tests show that our infrastructure is secure and reliable. For the most recent Pen test we received the maximum rating of 5 stars.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was introduced in 2018 . Our services fully meet the lawful requirements. To achieve this we have consulted the lawyers of our trade association NLdigital.

Along with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Dutch DPA) NLdigital has developed a Data Pro Certificate. With this certificate IT organizations can show they have taken all necessary measures to comply with the GDPR. TimeTell was one of the first organizations to obtain the Data Pro Certificate. We have developed a ‘Data Pro’ processor agreement and there is a data security breach protocol. Since 2023 the Data Pro Code certification is carried out on a European level by Scope Europe. TimeTell was admitted to their Data Pro Register (Adherence ID 2023SCOPE6009000DATAPRO). The associated work methods and attitude are embedded in our company culture.

Information security is an ongoing process. To guarantee our information security now and in the future, our privacy officer and our two security officers continuously monitor our work methods and attitude.


Do you have questions about our hosting and/or information security? Feel free to contact us.
You can reach us by phone +31 (0)70 311 48 11 or via our information request form.